February 16, 2023 Research Update – Electroacupuncture For Pain Relief
A study published in Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., tested electroacupuncture for its effectiveness in treating persistent pain. Although the subjects used in the study were animals. However, the findings can be easily translated and adjusted so the same methods can be used to treat human beings. The studies showed electroacupuncture can greatly decrease several types of pain, including neuropathic, inflammatory, cancer-related and visceral pain. The studies showed solid evidence that electroacupuncture can indeed be used for analgesia in patients that are suffering from chronic pain, regardless of the type of pain.
Acupuncture is a modality used in Traditional Chinese Medicine in which a practitioner inserts hair-thin, solid, stainless steel needles into the body, under the skin along energetic pathways. These energetic pathways, or meridians, are invisible lines that run throughout the body. These meridians allow energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) to flow throughout the body, keeping the body in balance and alignment. For optimal health to be achieved, Qi must flow freely without any blockages. Blocked or stagnant energy can result in disease or decreased vitality.
Electroacupuncture is a variation on acupuncture. Electroacupuncture works the same way as regular acupuncture, but it uses the needles as conduits that administer small jolts of electricity that invigorate the skin and muscles of the body. Electricity increases the effects of acupuncture. This can lead to increased energy, pain relief, and much, much more. The electrical charges encourage additional physiological processes that go beyond the mere stimulation of Qi. Acupuncture coupled with electricity, encourages the body to release neurotransmitters that can act as natural painkillers. Because of this, electroacupuncture is becoming more common in the treatment of pain.
Electroacupuncture is especially useful for conditions in which there is an accumulation of Qi, such as chronic pain. This type of acupuncture can be used as a pain reliever for muscle spasms, neurological disorders and possibly even heart disease. There is evidence that electrical stimulation of acupressure points can activate the endorphin system. This can actually lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of heart disease.
Electroacupuncture produces a rhythmic, non-painful muscle twitch just below the needle through the use of a very small milliamp current. This stimulation triggers perfusion of blood flow locally. This blood flow carries essential nutrients that promote muscle regeneration. The use of electroacupuncture can break pain cycles, while smoothing the way for a person’s own pain-relieving mechanisms. Electroacupuncture also relaxes muscles.
Electroacupuncture does come with risks and it is not appropriate for everybody. Anybody who has a history of seizures, epilepsy or stroke, would not be an ideal candidate for the use of electroacupuncture. Also it is not recommended for people who have pacemakers, as it can interfere with the electrical current of the devices. Before trying electroacupuncture, the practitioner should verify you are not at risk. If they do not, it is vital for the patient to bring this up to avoid any complications.
January 14, 2023 What is HRV?
HRV is simply a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. This variation is controlled by a primitive part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It works behind the scenes, automatically regulating our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and digestion among other key tasks. The ANS is subdivided into two large components: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight-or-flight mechanism and the relaxation response.
The brain is constantly processing information in a region called the hypothalamus. The ANS provides signals to the hypothalamus, which then instructs the rest of the body either to stimulate or to relax different functions. It responds not only to a poor night of sleep, or that sour interaction with your boss, but also to the exciting news that you got engaged, or to that delicious healthy meal you had for lunch. Our body handles all kinds of stimuli and life goes on. However, if we have persistent instigators such as stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, dysfunctional relationships, isolation or solitude, and lack of exercise, this balance may be disrupted, and your fight-or-flight response can shift into overdrive.
*AmpCoil, enhances the body’s abilities to do what it's designed to do, which is to heal itself.
**AmpCoil session called Relax All is considered a rejuvenating or restorative sound therapy session. Users typically choose this sound journey when they are experiencing feelings of anxiousness, nervous system stress, an overactive mind, or anytime you would like to induce calming energies in the body.
***Another interesting fact is: AmpCoil users show a reduced biological age when compared to 10,000 other individuals in the community.
****Our patients have reported incredible success using AmpCoil as few as three times a week, including better sleep, relaxation, nervous system tone, and a reduction in pain.
Click here for more information on how AmpCoil can help you with HRV and much more
November 24, 2022 The High Importance of Giving Thanks
Giving thanks can make you happier according to a Harvard study published in August of 2021. Often the holidays are associated with negative emotions such as sadness and anxiety due to seasonal depression or added family pressures, and of course, serious cases of
depression should be dealt with the help of mental health professionals. But
what about people who feel more down than usual this time of year? Research suggests that a fundamental element of the Thanksgiving season can truly improve your mood and overall outlook- giving thanks.
No matter your situation - try to be thankful for the great things and people that you do have in your life every day - it will probably make you happier. Gratitude is an appreciation that an individual has for the goodness in their lives and in positive psychology research, gratitude is very consistently correlated with higher levels of happiness. It can be applied to the past, present and future in the form of optimism. Regardless of your current relationship with gratitude, it’s a practice that can be learned and cultivated.
What does the science say? Psychologists Dr. Robert Emmons from UC Davis and Dr. Michael McCullough from the University of Miami are responsible for much of this research. In one study, participants had to write down a few sentences each week. One group recorded the things they were grateful for that had happened that week and a second group wrote down all of the irritating or negative things that happened to them. The third group was told to write about events that affected them with no emphasis on the events being either negative or positive. 10 weeks later, the group that wrote more about gratitude were more optimistic and positive about their lives. Interestingly, they were also more physically active and had fewer doctors visits than the other groups.
There are many social studies that have examined how thankfulness can improve an individual’s relationships. In one couples study, individuals who made it a point to express gratitude for their partners felt more positive toward the other person and were more secure in expressing concerns. In another social study at the University of Pennsylvania, two groups of fund-raisers were randomly divided into two groups. The first group made phone calls to ask for donations from alumni in the same way they usually did. But the second group received a pep talk from a director who told the fund-raisers how grateful she was for their hard work. After the fundraiser, it was found that employees who received the message of gratitude made 50% more calls than the other group.
Gratitude helps people deeply appreciate what they already have, as opposed to constantly looking for new things, people or achievements to stimulate short term positive emotions. Being thankful is a way to focus on what you have, not what you lack, and it’s a mental state that grows stronger with use.
Ginger Cleanser:
1 cup warm water
½ lemon, juiced
1 TB grated fresh ginger
¼ tsp ground cayenne
1 TB grated fresh turmeric
½ ts raw honey
1. Boil water and pour it in a mug or glass.
2. Squeeze in the lemon juice.
3. Add the grated fresh ginger and stir. Add any of the optional extra ingredients and stir those in as well.
4. Drink first thing in the morning for the best results.
Cranberry Ginger Smoothie:
1 cup water or milk substitute
1 ½ ounces baby spinach
2 ounces cranberries (fresh or frozen)
2 pitted dates
1 chopped organic pear
½ inch fresh ginger
3 tablespoons walnuts
1 cup ice
Combine the ingredients in a blender and enjoy!
Show some gratitude to YOUR body and mind. Give us a call today! (864) 516-6868
September 10, 2022 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. It combines nutrition, herbs, acupuncture and other modalities to help keep the body functioning properly, while also treating any ailments that might occur. TCM has been used to treat both men and women, regardless of their age, and TCM is frequently becoming the medical choice for those who prefer to use holistic forms of medicine to heal themselves.
There are certain health issues more prevalent in men than women, and many of these conditions can be easily controlled or treated using Traditional Chinese Medicine. Afflictions such as high blood pressure, depression, urinary issues, stress and prostate problems are just a few of the issues that are more frequently seen in men than women. And these issues, along with many others, respond very favorably to acupuncture and TCM.
Prostate issues are a prominent concern for men. From enlarged prostates to prostate cancer, this area of the body gets a lot of attention. One of the most common problems facing men is benign prostatic hyperplasia or what is commonly called the enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate often leads to bladder, kidney and urinary problems, especially urinary retention. This is very easily controlled with acupuncture and herbs because the combination of the two help alleviate the inflammation of the prostate allowing the urine to flow freely.
Cardiovascular disease is another big concern for men and it is the leading health threat to men. Acupuncture has been found to be particularly beneficial in lowering blood pressure, which often helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Acupuncture stimulates the release of natural opioids in the body, which then decreases the heart’s activity and lowers the need for excess oxygen. All of this lowers blood pressure.
Another area where men need more help is dealing with mental health issues and depression. Men are much less likely to discuss their feelings and emotions, which can frequently lead to depression and even thoughts of suicide. In fact, men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women. Acupuncture helps balance the chemicals released by the brain and the hormones released by the endocrine system. All of these imbalanced chemicals can lead to mental health issues that manifest over time.
Insomnia and sleep-related disorders are another major concern for men. Acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial at restoring balance and allowing the body to relax and rejuvenate. In fact, acupuncture often times outperforms many prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids.
Men tend to suffer from pain more than women, just because their jobs can be more physical. It is statistically shown that men are less likely to seek out help when they experience pain, as they don’t want to appear weak. This is where something like acupuncture can be a great asset for men. Regular acupuncture treatments as preventive medicine can help keep them in top shape, thus avoiding aches, pains, strains and pulls.
Fertility is not something that usually comes to mind when it comes to men’s health issues. However, stats show that 35-40 percent of all fertility issues are male conditions. Studies have shown acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very effective at improving sperm quality and the instructional integrity of the sperm. This is why many acupuncturists who focus on fertility issues treat both the male and the female as a team.
Lastly, acupuncture is a great way to combat digestive issues frequently related to added stress and this occurs more in men than it does in women. The most common digestive disorder is heartburn or acid reflux, which is usually caused by stress and poor diet. When stress levels are decreased, then stomach acid can decrease also, thus alleviating heartburn.
Simple Acupressure Routine for Men’s Health
Yin Tang: This point is located midway between the inner ends of the eyebrows. Yin Tang is used to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia. It is also a great point to use for eye issues, nasal problems and headaches.
Heart 7 (HT-7): This point is located on the underside of the wrist crease on the outer edge. It is found in the depression on the outer side of the tendon. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this point is used to calm the mind and heart. It works well for anxiety, stress and anger too.
Kidney 3 (KD-3): Located in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. This point tonifies the kidneys, while strengthening the lower back and knees.
Stomach 36 (ST-36): Known as the Longevity Point, this point is located bilaterally on the lower outer leg. It can be found 1 finger-breadth from the border of the upper tibia and about 3 thumb-breadths below the lower border of the knee cap. This point boosts the energy of the body and stimulates the immune function.
Liver 3 (LV-3): This point is located on the top of the foot in the depression between the big toe and the second toe, where the metatarsal bones meet. Stimulating this point helps stagnant blood to move freely again. In Chinese medicine theory, stagnant blood flow can lead to depression. LV-3 is used frequently in traditional Chinese medicine treatments to reestablish the flow of blood throughout the body.
These are just a few of the issues acupuncture can help with when it comes to men’s health. But it is easy to see why choosing acupuncture to help keep the body in alignment is a great option, especially for men.
August 8, 2022 A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine establishes acupuncture as a feasible treatment for improving kidney function in those suffering from chronic kidney disease. The study followed 59 patients with chronic kidney disease over a twelve-week period, in which they each received acupuncture treatments using the same acupuncture points plus electrostimulation. The serum creatinine levels and estimated glomerular filtration rates were monitored to determine the successfulness. The study concluded the serum creatinine levels dropped and the estimated glomerular filtration rates increased, which indicates acupuncture holds promise in the treatment of chronic kidney disease and improving overall kidney function.
Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States, with an estimated 31 million people suffering from chronic kidney disease. Decreased kidney function can be either acute or chronic. Acute kidney injury can be caused by a sudden drop in blood flow to the kidneys, damage from medications or infections. Chronic kidney damage can be caused by autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases or even chronic urinary tract infections. Regardless of the cause, decreased kidney function can be life threatening if not detected or left untreated.
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers multiple methods to help battle decreased kidney function. The kidneys function to filter and purify blood throughout the body. Inadequate blood flow to the kidneys can lead to a host of problems. The most prevalent form of TCM is acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow into areas that are lacking, thus allowing the transport of vital nutrients that keep the tissues healthy and functioning properly. Acupuncture can help relieve clinical symptoms of kidney disease, such as fatigue, back pain, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
According to TCM, the kidneys are the source of yin and yang. Yang is fire and yin is water. When the fire of yang is weak or the water of yin is not nourishing the body, then the kidney function must be addressed. The kidneys also house essence or jing in TCM. Jing is similar to our DNA. Since the kidneys are the most deep-seated of the internal organs, they are responsible for providing the tools to fulfill the deepest needs, such as survival and reproduction. While the kidneys house the deep reserves that fuel the body, they are also the organs damaged the most by stress. The body’s bones and marrow are governed by the kidneys in TCM. So even illnesses like osteoporosis can be related to the kidneys and as such, when treating a person with these ailments, the kidney meridian must always be included in the treatments.
Regular acupuncture treatments can greatly improve the health of the kidneys and keep them strong. But it is also important to keep stress levels at a minimum. This is where things like meditation, tai chi and qi gong can come into play. All of these practices help calm the mind and relieve stress. It is also recommended that fear be avoided, as it can deplete the energy of the kidney meridian. Physically, the kidney meridian manifests in the lower back and knees. Therefore, proper stretching and exercises to strengthen the back and leg muscles are extremely helpful in supporting overall kidney health. Certain foods can also help improve kidney health. In particular, dark foods like black beans, black walnuts, as well as seafood are all excellent kidney tonics.
All of the aforementioned items can be provided by a properly trained and fully licensed acupuncturist. So if you or somebody you know is suffering from decreased kidney function or kidney disease of some sort, it would be beneficial to contact a local acupuncturist. TCM coupled with Western medicine can help anybody suffering from these kinds of issues. The two modalities complement one another nicely and allow for the patient to lead a more normal life.
Kidney Boosting Cranberry Ginger Smoothie Recipe
To support your kidneys, it’s beneficial to stay plenty hydrated.
Jam-packed with vitamins and healthy fats and low in sodium from all the fresh fruits and veggies, this smoothie is a kidney-boosting wonder!
Cranberries are often praised for their bladder-healthy benefits. They are also full of Vitamin C and fiber and have anti-inflammatory effects. Walnuts are a great source of healthy fat and also benefit the kidneys, according to traditional Chinese medicine. You can make this smoothie with water or almond milk for an extra calcium boost. Making sure you have enough calcium in your diet can help to prevent kidney stones. Lastly, ginger is always a great smoothie addition, making the flavor more dynamic and contributing to the smoothie’s anti-inflammatory effects.
To make, combine the ingredients in a blender and enjoy!
● 1 cup water or milk alternative
● 1 ½ ounces organic baby spinach or watercress
● 2 ounces organic cranberries (fresh or frozen)
● 2 dates pits removed
● 1 chopped organic pear
● ½ inch fresh ginger
● 3 tablespoons walnuts
● 1 cup ice
July 11, 2022
Everybody knows you should see your family physician at least once a year and your dentist at least twice a year. But not everybody knows about acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and the many benefits it can provide for you. If you start incorporating acupuncture into your health and wellness regime, you may not have to rely on the family physician so much for those minor little issues. Let’s look at how getting regular acupuncture treatments can help you stay happy and healthy.
There are many ways acupuncture treatments can change a person’s life. One of the most noticeable is acupuncture can get you to look at your health from a completely different perspective. This could mean you might start taking a more in depth look at your health, which may allow you to veer away from some of the mainstream medical practices such as multiple pharmaceuticals. Many long-term acupuncture patients find they no longer need all the medications prescribed by their family physician, because the symptoms have been controlled using acupuncture.
Acupuncture is great for prevention. Because regular acupuncture treatments can balance hormones and boost immunity, there is a good chance you won’t need that annual flu shot or all those over-the-counter cold medications. A trained acupuncturist can spot a problem like decreased immunity from a mile away. It can appear as symptoms such as chronic fatigue, insomnia and even body temperature fluctuations. A couple of treatments can make a big difference.
What about relieving some of that extra stress we all deal with? Yes, regular acupuncture treatments can keep that at bay too. Many people don’t equate being poked with tiny needles as a relaxation technique, but it truly is relaxing. Many patients actually fall asleep after or while the needles are being placed. And the effects can last for days or even weeks. So the next time you feel irritable and overwhelmed, check out your local licensed acupuncturist.
Regular acupuncture treatments can help you save money. What? It’s true. This goes back to the previous benefits. If you don’t need as many pharmaceuticals, you will ultimately save money. Also, conditions like stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression can keep you from going to work, possibly costing you several days of pay. But with regular acupuncture treatments, your moods can be more effectively managed and you won’t need to miss work as frequently.
And the most popular reason to get regular acupuncture treatments is that it will help you remain pain free. We all have aches and pains. But research has shown acupuncture is more effective than opioids for controlling things like arthritic pain in the joints. It is also be incorporated into hospital emergency rooms throughout the United States, so people don’t need as many pain medications. As a matter of fact, in Asia, acupuncture is sometimes used by itself during and after surgical procedures to treat pain.
While many of you may have a needle phobia, don’t let that deter you. Acupuncture is part of an amazing medical system that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. In comparison, Western medicine has only been around for about 200 to 250 years. That puts things in perspective a little, especially when you consider most people in Asian countries live longer, happier, healthier lives than almost everybody in the United States. There’s no better time than the present to start a good habit. Just be sure to seek out a fully trained and licensed acupuncturist. Your whole life just might change for the better.
June 14, 2022 Understanding The Incredible Benefits Of AmpCoil Therapy
The AmpCoil includes several proven technologies all rolled into one modern device:
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)
Voice Analysis (voice-guided biofeedback system that analyzes the tonal qualities of the voice, using extensive mathematical algorithms. Allowing for personalized results)
Tone Generator
Modified Tesla Coil
Combined, these produce silent but powerful, customized Magnetic Wave Vibrations allowing frequencies to: a) penetrate deep into the cell, reaching the quantum level and being able to reach intracellular, b) cross the blood-brain barrier, c) break through biofilms, d) and neutralize vibrational interferences caused by microbes, metals, toxins, Lyme, co-infections, and more throughout the entire body.
An analogy that we like to use is that of two tuning forks. When you strike a tuning fork near another fork, the two will vibrate in unison. When you begin a Journey/session on AmpCoil the modified Tesla coil acts like a tuning fork, and through entrainment, your body synchronizes with it.
Also, when a frequency is delivered to a pathogen your body has been holding onto (such as a parasite), it will vibrate it at such high amplitude, the cell wall will disable. The result is that the body’s natural immune system experiences less interference and is able to begin working as nature intended.
Bioresonance - built-in tone generator programmed with Rife, Hulda Clark, and proprietary frequency sets called Journeys related to organs, nutrition, microbes, metals, toxins and more.
Biofeedback - Voice Analysis Biofeedback via the BetterGuide app utilizes extensive mathematical algorithms to play back your personalized vibrational tones. This is a significant improvement over existing systems that use a trial and error approach.
PEMF - Pulsed electromagnetic field delivery system through a modified Tesla Coil for intracellular penetration. This is a significant improvement over electrical systems, which stop at bones, muscles, and nerves.
Tesla - Modified Tesla coil emits a 10 Hz magnetic wave, enveloping the body in earth-based, harmonizing and cleansing frequencies while being able to focus on specific areas.
Sound - high-quality amplifier for a powerful transmission
AmpCoil Testimonials:
“ have been using an Ampcoil for about 3 or 4 months and have found the outcome pretty remarkable. I have several clients I have used it with that have severe depression and if we run the “Positivity Journey”, they can move through their day in ways that they haven’t been able to for quite some time.” — Carrie Uselman
“I met my partner about a year and a half ago and she informed me that she had her 20 year old son living at home, suffering from Lyme disease. The AmpCoil was discovered and what a difference it made for him in a short period of time. Seeing him start to experience life, having friendships, working again, being a social butterfly.” — Joe Lindsay
“I have had the AmpCoil several months and I came from a place of having migraines two or three times a week. I am now able to function normally and go about my day and not be stuck in a room, in the house, for hours and days. Actually my whole entire being has really changed.” — Lynelle Wampler
“I was having long term migraine headaches. A friend of mine gave me one treatment with the AmpCoil. Within a few hours the headache disappeared and it was gone for two weeks. I had another session over a month ago and the headache has not come back.” — Paul Doyan
“My son, Alex, is 21 years old. He came down with Lyme disease in 10th grade. Before the AmpCoil, we had a few years of ups and downs, but it seemed like nothing would stick. In the past 6 months since using the AmpCoil, his quality of life has dramatically improved.” — Susan Monticello
“I purchased the AmpCoil about 3 or 4 months ago and I’ve been using it consistently. I noticed that I woke up one morning and I had this sense of this lightness and it’s this type of lightness that I imagine how a child is when they get up in the morning and they are just free.” — Susie Crawford
“I’ve had an Ampcoil for three months, and It’s changed my life in so many ways. Not only is my overall health and quality of sleep improving daily, but my home has become a healing center of sorts for friends and family, who come over for ‘coiling’ sessions almost daily.” — Luke Storey
“I’ve been using the Ampcoil for a few months now and am very happy with the results. I have had success using the device for both acute issues such as brain fog, headaches, etc.. as well as for more underlying health issues. I truly believe this technology is the future of health and wellness!” — Heather Culp
“My grandson was having some issues concentrating in school. He had an AmpCoil session and his teacher told my daughter that he was amazed how he was able to pay attention so much better. I’ve been taking allergy medicine for over 15 years. I did the “Airway” program 3x and I haven’t taken the medicine since!” — Terry Warren
“Loving my AmpCoil ... balanced a skin problem right up.” — Sharon Kufeldt
“The AmpCoil is how I have healed from severe illness last year and am healing myself right now! Super powerful, potent and effective, more than anything I have found so far!” — Sunshine Beck
“I have chronic fatigue syndrome and it feels like it is blowing a life force energy into my cells.”— Suzanne Origen
“Loving the results I see in myself (increased energy) and my clients!” — Marianne Klemm Schneider
“I see a future for tech like this making the world just that more healthy. Great job to AmpCoil!” — Kreg Pierce
“I have had irregular heartbeats for most of the year now and I have been taking medication for it. After using the AmpCoil, my heart was regular for one week. I need another session because it is great!” — Harvey Bigelsen