April 28, 2015 Relieve Your Arthritis With Acupuncture
Arthritis is a painful and oftentimes debilitating condition that's characterized by inflammation within one or more joints. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 2 people will develop osteoarthritis of the knee by the age of 85. It's important to note, however, that there are several different types of arthritis, with osteoarthritis being just one. Other common types include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, septic arthritis, Still's disease, and ankylosing spondylitis.
While most people living with moderate-to-severe arthritis resort to prescription medication to mask their symptoms, a safer and more effective form of treatment may come in the form of a 4,000-plus-year-old Chinese practice called acupuncture. Numerous studies have found acupuncture to offer relief of many different types of arthritis. And best of all, it doesn't come with the adverse side effects associated with arthritis medication.
Acupuncture and Arthritis: How It Works
Acupuncture is based on the belief that our bodies have an essential life/energy force (referred to as Qi). This force flows through the body, traveling along 20 channels (referred to as meridians). Normally, Qi flows unrestricted, keeping the individual healthy while warding off disease and illness. However, there are times when the Qi will become stagnant, blocked or dislodged from its normal position, leaving the individual susceptible to illness.
By placing thin needles directly under the skin, a licensed acupuncturist can stimulate the flow of Qi, correcting blockages and other abnormalities. Furthermore, acupuncture aids in regulating the nervous system, which in turn produces the natural pain-relieving chemicals called endorphins.
Studies Reaffirm Acupuncture For Arthritis
A group of German researchers conducted a study on 304,674 patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Researchers split the patients into two groups, one of which received traditional routine care, while the other received 15 sessions of acupuncture. Researchers concluded that patients who had received acupuncture experienced better knee function, less pain, and an overall better quality of life than their counterparts.
Another study – this one originating out of China – found that both acupuncture and electroacupuncture were effective at reduce pain, inflammation and tenderness in parts of the body by arthritis. Granted, this was a small study with just 36 patients, but it's just one more study attesting to the healing power of acupuncture.
Give me a call today to learn how you can get back on track to better health!
March 6, 2015 Have a Sneeze-Free Spectacular Spring!
Christina LeBoeuf, L.Ac., MAOM; CCT; CLDT
Allergy season is right around the corner. Are you among the 20% of the general population suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever)?[1] Herbal therapy and Acupuncture offers a highly effective, safe, alternative to resolve your allergies without unpleasant side-effects!
An article in the September 2004 issue of Allergy, reported 85% of the patients treated with Acupuncture/Herbal therapy achieved substantial improvement while only 40% of the control group experienced any relief. For 6 weeks Acupuncture was given once a week in combination with the herbal remedy given 3 times a day. Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) goal is to find the root cause of the imbalance and restore harmony rather than simply treating the symptoms.
Allergies can be defined as the body’s immune system overreacting to a foreign substance (toxin), such as dust, pollen, or environmental pollution. Does it make sense to treat allergies with an unnatural pharmaceutical substance causing side-effects such as: headaches, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, and backache?[2] In TCM, the protective energy of the body is governed by the Lung and manifests on the skin. When there is an invasion of the Lung meridian by a pathogen, (for example: pollen) hay fever can result. In TCM theory, people with allergies are often emotionally hypersensitive. Each Acupuncture treatment and herbal formula is tailored for the patient’s specific dis-harmonies.
There are several useful herbal formulas for hay fever that strengthen the body and significantly reduce the symptoms of sinus congestion, sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose, post-nasal drip, sneezing, headache, and skin rash. The following remedies can be purchased from your Acupuncturist and some can be found at the Herbal Path. Yu Ping Feng San is useful to prevent recurrent colds, boost immunity, and prevent springtime allergies when taken for 2 months before the onset of allergy season. Ge Gen Tang treats nasal blockage, itchy eyes, runny nose, chills and fever without sweating, as well as stiff neck and upper back. Bi Yan Pian is a formula used for treating allergies, and sinus infections with stuffiness and yellow discharge.
Also very helpful for allergies are the following single herbs: Nettle leaf, Eleuthero root, Astragalus root, Marshmallow root, Mullein leaf, Andrographis root, and Burdock root. Mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitake, Tremella, and Cordyceps can offer immune enhancement and reduction in the severity of allergies, wheezing, coughing, and runny nose.
Some useful suggestions include: 1,000mg of Vitamin C daily, 1000mg Quercetin daily, B-Complex, Bee pollen, and herbal teas containing: sage, yarrow, or ginger. Eliminating phlegm producing foods such as orange juice, dairy products and greasy fried foods is also recommended.
Inspiration: Acupuncture and herbal therapy can promote your body’s self-healing ability.
[1] Management of Allergic Rhinitis in the Working-Age Population. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 67. AHRQ Publication No. 03-E013, Feb 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville , MD. www.ahrd.gov/clinic/epcsums/rhinworksum.htm.
[2] www.allegra.com
October 11, 2014 Did you know that?........
– 15% of all breast cancer cases occur in women under the age of 45. These cancer cases are more aggressive and have the lowest survival rate.
– The recommended age for annual mammograms is 50 years old.
The US Preventative Task Force revised its recommendations on mammograms in October 2009,xiii stating that women in their 40's should no longer get routine mammograms for early detection of breast cancer. Instead, the panel recommended waiting until the age of 50, and only doing one mammogram every other year rather than annually. The Canadian task force followed suit in November last year.
So how can a woman between the ages of 20 and 50 monitor her breast health?...
Try Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging/Thermography
DITI is an innovative preventive measure available to women of all ages. It is a pain free, non-invasive procedure licensed by the FDA that converts infrared radiation emitted from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are visualized in color. The spectrum of colors indicate an increase or decrease in the amount of infrared radiation being emitted from the body surface. Medical Thermography can graphically display and record the subjective feeling of pain by objectively displaying the changes in skin surface temperature that are produced by pain states. Medical Thermography's major clinical value is in its high sensitivity to pathology in the vascular, muscular, neural, and skeletal systems.
Some useful tips for preventing the occurrence of cancer:
1. Eat healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, and grape seed oil
2. Eat 6-10 serving of fresh or frozen veggies of a wide variety of colors daily
3. Make sure you are getting enough fiber to keep your colon clean
4. Reduce alcohol consumption-for every drink you have per day, your breast cancer risk goes up by 10%
5. Exercise more than 4 hours per week to cut your breast cancer risk by half
6. Avoid environmental toxins including the chemicals in body care products
7. Avoid synthetic hormones including the birth control pill
8. Maintain a healthy weight
9. Maintain proper vitamin D blood levels: 25 (OH) D
To take the first step in your breast health awareness: DITI is available at Picture Of Wellness LLC in Plattsburgh, NY. Call (315) 643-2013
xiii U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Screening for Breast Cancer 2009
October 1, 2014 Become a Picture of Health Using Thermography at Carolina Holistic Health LLC
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~Thomas Edison
Carolina Holistic Health LLC (CHH) in Greenville SC provides the Upstate a refreshing approach to health care. Carolina Holistic Health LLC focuses on the whole patient – mind, body, and spirit. Owner Christina LeBoeuf Licensed Acupuncturist, MAOM, CCT has devoted her practice to a patient-centered approach. Ms. LeBoeuf offers a wealth of knowledge and experience after a decade of working in the natural healthcare field. Through a combination of state of the art technology and time honored Chinese Medicine practices, CHH is a hidden jewel amongst the Upstate’s health care providers.
Dedication to holistic centered patient care is Christina's driving philosophy. All services are offered at discounted competitive rates and health insurance coverage is accepted when applicable. Compassion and professionalism greets the patient upon the introductory consultation and pervades throughout treatments. Using a variety of natural healthcare options Christina creates an individualized treatment plan that addresses the patient’s needs, concerns and the root cause of their illness. Patients will see dramatic improvements in all areas of their health through the use of acupuncture - a technique used to stimulate the body’s self healing processes, dietary modifications, and herbal supplementation. Some common disorders successfully treated by Acupuncture according to the World Health Organization and the National Institute of health are: fertility, depression, pain management, insomnia, digestive disorders, stress, carpal tunnel syndrome, menopause, morning sickness, anxiety, and much more.
Carolina Holistic Health's investment in Thermography also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) brings an exciting and innovative health screening tool to Greenville. DITI, by Meditherm is the only FDA approved Class I medical thermal imaging device on the market. It is a revolutionary diagnostic tool that offers a clear image of patient health and immeasurable peace of mind. Traditional medical testing utilizes the body’s structure to determine a health risk. Foreign growths in the body such as tumors are discovered and reactive measures are then taken. The road to recovery is often difficult and painful. CHH offers the individual a proactive approach to healthcare, providing the opportunity to prevent future health issues. The major basis of clinical Thermography (DITI) is the correlation of temperature recordings with various conditions from disease and injury as it relates to autonomic function. DITI is a completely pain free and non-invasive procedure, requiring no harmful radiation to the patient.
Inflammation, the precursor to life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease is captured by the highly specialized medical screening tool. DITI creates a full color image of the body’s physiology which is then analyzed by skilled medical doctors. DITI can screen for many common diseases such as: arteriosclerosis, breast disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, disc disease, nerve trauma, sprains, tendonitis, digestive disorders, and much more.
Recommended by doctors worldwide such as Dr. Mercola and Dr. Christine Northrop as the 1st step in diagnostic imaging, DITI reveals disease in its earliest stage...inflammation. For example, inflammation, lymphatic activity, and increased blood vessel growth that are the precursors to breast cancer are seen in the first 90 days of development with DITI. Comparatively, it takes 8 years for breast cancer to develop a “structure” that can be seen on ultrasound or a mammogram. In November 2009, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force began advising women to delay regular Mammography screening until age 50, and even then, to get tested only every other year. The government group issued its new guidelines citing evidence that the benefits of regular screening do not justify the potential harms in younger women. The U.S. Preventive Services Task force (USPSTF), funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, published its recommendations in Annals of Internal Medicine; its decision was based on an analysis of existing trials that looked at the impact of mammography on breast-cancer deaths. The task force further recommended that women between ages 50 and 74 get screened every two years instead of annually.
Doctors would have to screen 1,904 women ages 39-49 for a decade to prevent one death, vs. 1,339 women 50-59 and 377 women 60-69, according to a study accompanying the recommendations in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Early detection with DITI is aimed at prevention, before there is a more advanced pathology. The earlier the abnormality is detected the better the treatment options will be, resulting in a better outcome. Results of the DITI exam are processed within 48 hours. In collaboration with the patient, Christina formulates a natural health care plan that can be used with conventional medical practices. Carolina Holistic Health’s sworn medical oath of “heal not harm” prevails in all offered services providing the Upstate with effective tools to get well and stay well naturally!
September 23, 2014 Picture Of Wellness, LLC is owned and operated by Christina LeBoeuf ND, LAc; CCT; CLDT. Ms. LeBoeuf is a Diplomate of The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and is a licensed acupuncturist by the State of SC and NY as well as a Certified Clinical Thermographer. She obtained her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from Atlantic University of Oriental Medicine in Ft. Lauderdale, FL in 2004, her Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science from Plattsburgh State University in 2000 and her Level II Clinical Thermographer Certification in 2014. Ms. LeBoeuf has been working in the natural health care field for 15 years. She specializes in treating: women's health, digestive troubles, chronic illness, stress reduction, pain relief.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest continually practiced medical modalities in the world. It is used to prevent and treat disease, relieve pain, balance mood, enhance athletic performance, increase fertility, and improve overall health and wellness.
Thermography also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is a monitor of thermal abnormalities present in a number of diseases and physical injuries. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as therapy follow up and rehabilitation monitoring, within the clinical fields of rheumatology, neurology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, oncology, pediatrics, orthopedics and many others. This state of the art exam is non-invasive, painless, quick, and requires no radiation! The Meditherm medical infrared imaging camera is the only one registered with the FDA as a Class I medical device.
Together Acupuncture, Thermography, Nutrition, and Herbs create a powerfully effective approach to true healing. Thermography guided Acupuncture enhances the treatments by creating a vivid picture of the current imbalances in the patients body. The Thermography picture/map of the patient allows the creation of a treatment plan that works quicker, lasts longer and therefore saves the patient time and money. Often, Christina has seen health problems using Thermography that were unseen by all the other diagnostic tests the patient had done prior.
A good example of such a case: A male patient of Christina's in his 60's was prescribed a steroid cream by his MD for a "bump" on his upper arm. He was instructed by the MD to use the cream for 6 weeks and then have a follow up appointment if it was not gone. Originally the bump was about the size of a pencil eraser and had a scaly white top on it. It didn't hurt or itch but was new. After using the cream for 6 weeks the bump was now red and irritated. During a routine check in call to the patient, he told Christina the story about the "bump" and she asked him to come to her office for a Thermography evaluation. After imaging both upper arms (under all the same conditions) it was obvious that the right arm with the "bump" had angiogenesis (new blood supply) surrounding the area in question. It looked to Christina that this was likely a case of skin cancer misdiagnosed by his MD. She asked him to go to his MD and have it removed. The lab results: Squamous Cell Carcinoma. A case of: the right place at the right time to help this patient!
What can Acupuncture and Thermography do for you? The possibilities are endless....